Monthly Archives: June 2014


E-Cigarettes and The Law

Smoking cigarettes is dangerous and all smokers are aware of the risks they take by smoking. Cigarette smokers are far more likely to die from lung and throat cancer. The large tobacco companies carry a lot of Continue reading

How To Easily Repair Your Search Engine Rankings

Repair your Search Engine Rankings

Which algorithm update has affected your site, Panda or Penguin? Knowing if it was Penguin or Panda that affected your site will make fixing your rankings easier. If your Google search engine traffic fell significantly on the 24th April 2012 then the launch of Google’s Penguin algorithm is the cause of your penalty.A large drop in search engine traffic near the 24th April 2012 indicates that Google Penguin is the cause of your ranking penalty.

The primary keywords that you have promoted the most in your exact match anchor text are the ones most penalized by Google. There is a free back-link checking tool at Continue reading

Solar Lights

Solar Powered Lighting

Solar power is more affordable than ever and is a zero running cost way to provide additional ambient illumination in the garden.

Solar is much cheaper to install compared with traditional mains lighting. Solar powered lighting is a great solution for areas that don’t have a local mains supply.

Performance and reliability in solar lighting have improved hugely in the last few years. Continue reading